But through the sadness there is truth in the cliches that "life goes on" and "time will heal" and the fact that we have to deal with these sad happenings, learn from them and then try to live our lives as best we can because (as Korky always says) "life is not a dress rehearsal".
There has too been much fun and happiness in 2011 - babies being born, big birthday celebrations, weddings, overseas visitors, family, friends and get togethers. I have been blown away by the love and support given to Gareth, Nic and Matthew by family and friends but even more so by their friends. Where would we be without our friends?
And actually life is wonderful. It does not have to be perfect to be wonderful and we are so blessed to live in the country we do, to have a family to love and care for, to have wonderful friends around us, to find things to inspire us every day and to love and be loved.
The new year is also a time to reflect and and as I looked back this morning to my first posting in March, I also realise how far I have come and how much pleasure I get in writing and putting together this nonsense. I add a few pictures, perhaps a song or two along the way, press "publish" and it is done. I have lost the ee cummings vibe, I am no further with my book than I was in March but I have found a commitment to follow through with regular ramblings because (for some strange reason) many of you do read this "stuff" (and enjoy it). Thank you for the support.
I am moving on though. Gareth has set up a website for me and I hope to have it all working properly next week. It is so much better to work on, the pictures do not take ages to upload and it is so much easier to edit. I do however, have to wait for Gareth to return from his holiday as I am having trouble sizing the pictures and some of it is pretty technical (but I am willing to learn). It will not be much different for you either and it will be easy to click on the new link through this site. So watch this space.
For now I thank you for all the love, encouragement and positive input you have given to me over the year. I hope you will all have a special evening and even if your loved ones are far away that you will wake up to a new and happy 2012 tomorrow.
And while I am not into resolutions, I think this is a pretty awesome and easy motto to live by:-

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