"let your boat of life be light, packed with only
what you need - a homely home and simple pleasures, someone to love and someone to love you,
enough to eat and enough to wear
and a little more than enough to drink:
for thirst is a dangerous thing"

Sunday 23 February 2014

when i was an elephant...

It is Matthew's 27th birthday tomorrow.  It is already his birthday in Hong Kong and I sent him a midnight message a little while ago.  Thinking back to his birth led me on a mission to pull out some old photograph albums, particularly because of a funny story that came to mind.

Remember when children are around 4 years old how they love looking at photographs of themselves when they were babies? My baby albums of the boys are a mess because the pages have been turned over so many times and they were those big ring-bound albums with that horrible sticky overlay, which never worked that well and ruined the pictures.  

Matthew had a pre-school friend over to play one day. I remember him sitting on the floor with his friend going through the pictures and giving the friend a commentary on each picture.  "This one is me in my mommy's stomach" and then when looking at this picture:-

"And this is me when I was an elephant"

I remember looking over his shoulder to see which photograph he was talking about.  The story and the picture always makes me smile.  

Meeting his brothers for the first time

Happy Birthday Matthew - sorry that you are so far away but we will celebrate your birthday in our usual family style tomorrow evening.  What would you like for supper? xx

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