I have another secret to share (remember the baby bottom butter?). However apparently this is not such a secret anymore. Last week, within 2 days I heard from Ellen and Kathy (very reliable sources, with their ears close to the ground) that there is this new horse shampoo that "everyone" is using that makes your hair grow faster, gives it more body and helps with thinning hair. I don't really have a problem with my hair except for the fact that I am trying to grow out my highlights and am wishing that the hair would grow a little quicker so the ends can be cut off.
You buy it at the vet or these new "petvet" shops that are springing up all over. I have not had a dog for about 5 years now and have never been into one of these fancy stores. Wow, it almost makes me want to have a dog again - amazing all the stuff that is now available but scary how much all these new foods and designer pet stuff must cost. No more 10kg bags of Husky in the Pick n Pay trolley. My sister assures me that with the "Hill's Diet" your dogs hardly poop anymore - this comes from a sister who has a long, hot dog type of dog whose poops look like those chocolate coated raisins (I know, I have stepped on a couple in my time).
I digress. So on Saturday I take myself off to this new fancy "petvet" shop at Palmyra Junction. A lovely young lady asks if she can help and I ask her if I can see her dog shampoos (surely they must all be on the same shelf). She then asks if I need it for "ticks and fleas, eczema or scabies, bad odour or loss of hair?" I am flummoxed and felt like an 18 year old boy asking for condoms in a chemist. I decide to come clean, but not 100% clean... "I am looking for horse shampoo that helps with thinning hair. My sister would like to try it". With that I had a 10 minute sales pitch on the wonder of this new shampoo, how they cannot fill the shelves quickly enough, how menopausal ladies whose hair is thinning ("Watch it, young lady") are buying it, it is bio-degradable, balding mid-life crisis guys are sending their secretaries in to buy it, school boys who want their hair to grow in the school holidays are stocking up on it - you name it, it works for it. She also told me that my sister must mix it with her own shampoo as it is very thin and does not lather as well as normal shampoo. For R80 I bought a big bottle (not for my sister). I have been using it this week and I must say it does makes your hair so squeaky clean you can hear the squeaks after you rinse your hair.
Moral of the story:- "Never think that you are the first to know a secret and when trying to cover up anything - blame your sister"
Second smile:-
On Monday Michael and I had to take his mom and Margaret to a funeral. He dropped me off first to collect Margaret at her frail care centre while he went off to fetch his mother. She was ready and waiting and looking all toffed up. I know that it takes a while to get her downstairs so picture the scene. Jennifer at 6 ft tall and on the large size walking with Margaret, partially blind, 89 years old, 3ft 9 and very tiny (size 3 shoes). She shuffles as she walks so I hold on to her arm or hand ("Not too tight, I bruise easily"). We make our way downstairs. It is a lovely day and I find a spot in the sun to wait for Michael to re-appear. We are standing on the driveway which has a slope so I carry on holding her hand. We wave at a couple coming into the building and with that she pulls her hand away from mine and says "No need to hold on to me, what if they think I am a lesbian?". Well I had to hold my laughter in as she pulled her hand away and nearly fell into the gutter.
Moral of the story: "If at 89 years of age you are still worried about what people think, perhaps you should just fall into the gutter"
Third smile:-
At last our office had the opportunity to meet Jan and Ellen's grandson Daniel.
Ellen with the lovely "mane" of shiny hair and Daniel
They popped into our office yesterday to show off this most delightful, smiley, big-brown eyed little boy. We were all smitten as he just looked around and sized us up one by one and eventually had lots of smiles to share.
Moral of the story:- "All good things come to those who wait"
Fourth smile:-
Albion Road has had 2 burglaries in 10 days. This is not worth smiling about. Both break-ins were pretty brazen and while there were boys were in the house. The first time the french doors were broken open while Dayne was sleeping in the front room. The second time Nic was there, walked out of his room when he heard the music stop and accounted this chap in the passage. (It was warm so the back door was standing open). Nic realised that he was blocking the criminal's passage to freedom so ducked back into his room (screaming), locked the door while phoning the police. He was up close and personal and drew this picture for the police.
This was James's Facebook status on Wednesday:-
James Robertson
Moral of the story:- "Keep your doors closed and do not be afraid to use social media sites to assist when perhaps the police are unable to"
Last one:-
Moral of the story:- "Nothing to feel guilty about"
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